Model Course on Safety of Journalists being integrated within the curriculum for journalism education used by Palestinian Universities

Gaza – With the support of Sida, UNESCO Ramallah Office organized on 7 March 2016 the first meeting of experts in Gaza on the review of existing university curricula on the safety of journalists being used in Palestine, building on a proposed model course on safety developed by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and UNESCO. The activity is part of a broader review conducted by UNESCO to assess how the issue of journalists’ safety is addressed in journalism curricula in media faculties throughout the Arab region.
Consulting faculties and schools teaching Media and Journalism in Gaza was the first step towards a national consultation on this issue, and will be followed by a further round of discussions in Ramallah. This process is being organized by UNESCO in cooperation with all relevant Palestinian universities, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate.
The review is aimed at developing a standard course on the safety of journalists, tailored to the needs and conditions of Palestinian students and universities, associating policy and decision makers, media institutions, universities, civil society as well as journalists themselves, in supporting a safer and more professional environment for future journalists.
For further information on this activity, please visit UNESCO Beirut Office website or contact Majd Beltaji, Public Information Officer of the UNESCO Office in Ramallah at