
Manual for Developing Literacy and Adult Education Programmes in Minority Language Communities

Manual for Developing Literacy and Adult Education Programmes in Minority Language Communities
Manual for Developing Literacy and Adult Education Programmes in Minority Language Communities
Malone, Susan E.
UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific

This manual is about planning and implementing education-for-development programs for adult speakers of minority languages. It is written for members of the minority language communities and for the outsiders - provincial and district trainers, supervisors and others - who work with and support the communities.

The purpose of the manual is to provide information that will help program leaders plan and implement adult education programs that have the following characteristics: 

  • The program are learner-centered. The content of the lessons are relevant to the learners' lives and are drawn from their own experiences.
  • They are community-centered. Community members, and especially the learners, take leadership in making decisions about their programs from the very beginning.
  • They are development-oriented. Reading and writing are not the goals of the programs but are considered tools to help the leaners achieve their own goals.
  • The programs are sustained because the learners, and their communities, recognize the benefits that the programs have brought to their lives.


Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2004, 116p.
ISBN 92-9223-022-0


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