The launch cycle of the GEM Report on non-state actors in education for the SICA region begins by examining how state and non-state actors can work together in favor of the right to education
Non-state actors refer to organizations or individuals who are not directly part of the government but are involved in education provision or policy-making, such as private schools, NGOs, and community-based organizations. The GEM Report 2021-2 focuses on their role in education and provides a detailed analysis of their impact, emphasizing that their role extends beyond the provision of education. The report invites policymakers to question their relationships with non-state actors in terms of fundamental choices: between equity and freedom of choice - the two pillars of the right to education; between fostering initiative and establishing norms; between groups with different resources and needs; between immediate commitments under SDG 4 and those that must be made progressively; between education and other social sectors.
The report urges governments to consider all institutions, students, and teachers as part of the same system. The main findings of this cycle of events discussing the implications of the GEM Report's findings and recommendations for the region will be shared at the next meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education of the CECC-SICA, which will be held with the participation of education ministers from the SICA on May 25th and 26th in Belize.
Regarding the findings of this report, the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has stated that "governments must establish minimum standards in both state and non-state schools to ensure that the most disadvantaged students have the same opportunities to benefit from quality education."
Alexander Leicht, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office in San Jose, highlighted the importance of this report, which recognizes collaboration among different actors. Leicht emphasized this finding as a key element in ensuring the right to quality education, especially for the most vulnerable populations.
The GEM Report is an editorially independent report hosted and published by UNESCO that aims to serve as a global public good to support policy decision-making, facilitate the exchange of good practices, and hold actors accountable for their commitments to achieving SDG 4 on education. The report stresses the importance of collaboration between different actors to ensure the right to quality education, particularly for vulnerable populations.
The launch of the report will be held virtually on May 8th for Panama at 9 am, May 9th for El Salvador, and May 12th for Honduras, and will be live-streamed on CECC-SICA's YouTube channel. Further launches are planned in the region.
About the GEM Report
The next edition of the GEM Report, which will address the theme of technology in education, will be published on July 26th, 2023, in Montevideo.