

Landfills are a disaster in Nepal. Khaalisisi's digital platform boosts waste collection efficiency and improves conditions for collectors.
Picture of five people posing together in front of a waste landfill in Kathmandu.

1,200 tons of waste are dumped every day in Kathmandu's landfill sites, 70% of which can be recycled. Yet a large number of waste entrepreneurs and waste workers exist in Nepal. Khaalisisi is an organization that has set out to improve this waste management equation. 

Khaalisisi works with a network of 350 active informal waste workers in the local communities by empowering them digitally through its platform. It connects these waste workers (collectors) to waste sellers (households, corporates and institutions). 

This program helps these workers generate more income and divert waste from landfill. Finally, it helps to raise awareness of recycling in a country where there are no regulations. By reducing collection time and scheduling waste pickups, collection is more efficient. On average, the Khaalisisi workers have increased their revenue Year-on-year aby 32%. 

Creating recycling centres 

Khaalisisi plans to set up recycling centres in Nepal employing at least 70% women. It also plans to involve more informal workers in collection. The organisation has already set up one of Nepal's first materials recovery facilities. It is already working with local municipalities to divert their waste from landfill, and hopes to replicate this model in other cities of the country.  

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Picture of five people posing together in front of a waste landfill in Kathmandu.
All rights reserved

Project began: 05/06/2016

Leading organisation: Khaalisisi Management Pvt. Ltd.

The country where the team is based: Nepal

Themes: Biodiversity, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Sub-Themes: Climate change, Environment, Poverty and inequality reduction, Waste management 

Tags: #Women #Youth

Project needs

  • Strategy/advocacy
  • Training
  • Research
  • Financial management
  • Sponsorship / Philanthropy
  • Partnerships development
  • Press relations
  • Volunteer workforce
  • Web design
  • Equipment supply 

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