
Introducing the Life and Work Skills Toolbox

Ramallah, 2 December 2021.Within the framework of the project"Increasing TVET Competencies for Youth in the Palestinian Labour Market",supported bytheBelgianDevelopmentAgency(Enabel)andincooperation withthePalestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS),UNESCO Ramallahorganized a workshop to introduce theLifeand WorkSkillsToolbox. The toolboxwas developed by UNESCO Beirut Office and contextualizedforPalestine underthe umbrella ofthe “Youth Employment in the Mediterranean” project, funded by the European Union previously.
The workshop gathered around 35participantsfromthe TVET Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Educationand Scientific Research,Ministry of Labour,highereducationinstitutionsand expertsin order toprovide feedback on the developedtoolbox.
Itwas a platform to introduceUNESCO’sapproach in building the capacitiesofyouthondifferent types of skills (technicaland lifeskills) and Green TVETto help themtoaccess thelabourmarket.
In Palestine,there is a gap between the skills of youth acquired during their higher education studies and what is requested by the employers. Thisis adding to the reasonsofhigh unemployment ratesbothintheWest Bankand Gaza Strip.UNESCO Ramallahis planning toutilize therevisedtoolboxto stimulate youth employmentandentrepreneurship andtoimprove the skills relevant to today’slabourmarketneeds.

This contextualizedtoolwill be utilizedthrough conductingtrainingto enhancethe missingtechnical, transversalanddigital skills within at least 20 TVET mapped specializations. Thetrainingsfor youthwill be organized with theline Ministriesandprivate sector to empowerthecapacitiesof youthandtofacilitate their access to the labour market.