
Indicators for monitoring the educational situation of the population with disabilities. Workshop

Strengthening inclusive education policies with an emphasis on students with disabilities
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Workshop: Indicators for monitoring the educational situation of the population with disability
OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, Chile
Rooms :
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :

Under the project "Advancing regional cooperation to promote the right to education of persons with disabilities", and with the support of the Ministry of Education of Spain and AECID, a participatory process of revision of the Regional Educational Information System for Students with Disabilities (SIRIED) was initiated in 2022 to update the conceptual frameworks to the advances of the last decade, and adapt the proposal of indicators to better reflect these new frameworks and advances in the measurement of the educational situation of the population with disabilities.

This process has involved the participation of representatives of the Ministries of Education of Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Uruguay, who have participated in virtual work meetings, in which the status of the region's information systems and conceptual frameworks have been discussed.

Workshop objectives

In continuity with this joint review process, this workshop proposes to:

  1. Encourage dialogue and cooperation between inclusive education/disability focal points and representatives of the educational statistics areas of the ministries of education of RIINEE countries;
  2. To advance in the definition of the dimensions and indicators to be included in the new SIRIED.

The activities will focus on the review of the dimensions and categories, their operationalization, and on the set of indicators that will account for each of them, considering those included in the original formulation that will remain, others that will be modified or deleted, and the new indicators to be incorporated.

Working modalities

This workshop is organized in two days of face-to-face work, in Santiago de Chile, and in each of them the activities are organized in two blocks of three and a half hours.


  • Officials designated by the Ministries of Education of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Uruguay.
  • Team from the UNESCO Representation for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain.
  • Invited specialists
Provisional agenda