
Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022

Nurturing trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative
MIL Week

About 60% of the global population and 70% of youth is using the internet, yet wide-scale and sustainable Media and Information Literacy (MIL) training for all is still missing. The rise of online and offline dis- and misinformation, conspiracy theories, hate speech and misuse of social media thus continue to pose a high threat. In the recent years, trust in government and media has been progressively eroded. Response to this requires a combination of critical information, media and digital competencies. Studies suggest that citizens have higher resilience to disinformation in countries, where MIL is put in place at a policy level.

Against this backdrop UNESCO calls for all stakeholders globally to upscale and promote media and information literacy, to nurture eroding trust. To contribute to this global mobilization and action, the 11th annual celebration of Global Media and Information Literacy Week will be celebrated under the theme “Nurturing trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative”, from 24 to 31 October 2022. It is co-organized by Nigeria and UNESCO, and will be held in Abuja and online. You can register now.

The Global Media and Information Literacy Week was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly which unanimously adopted Resolution in 2021.

The Global Media and Information Literacy Week will bring together representatives of intergovernmental organizations, including different UN agencies, funds, programmes, government authorities, NGOs, digital platforms, media and information literacy experts and professionals from a vast array of fields, teachers, librarians and young people, to discuss and debate the essential issues that the world is facing in relation to mis- and distrust, online and offline challenges, and think together about solutions.

Specifically, the feature events, 50 in total, will focus on seven broad sub-themes:

  • Promoting media and information literacy as a viable development intervention to nurture trust, social protection and collective solidarity;
  • Accelerating the pace of people’s access to media and information literacy competencies in parallel with the growth pace of universal digital connectivity;
  • Working to entrench media and information literacy as a key component for the exercise of fundamental human rights, thereby advancing media and information literacy for all;
  • Popularizing the new UNESCO Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines and the complementary resource Media and information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely, as well as the tool Addressing conspiracy theories: what should educators know;
  • Developing innovative ways to bridge inequalities in accessing media and information literacy;
  • Developing partnerships and funding to strengthen trust and solidarity in media and information literacy at all levels of society;
  • Encouraging and promoting MIL policy at organizational, institutional, national and regional levels by ensuring equitable and ethical access to quality information.
MIL Week

Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022

24-31 October 2022

The high-level sessions will see participation from:

  • Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO
  • H.E. Mr Muhammadu Buhari, President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Mr Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO
  • H.R.H Princess, Rym al-Ali, Founder, Jordan Media Institute, Jordan
  • H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, Chair, H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma Foundation, Burkina Faso
  • Ms Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, United Nations
  • Ms Carla Barnett, Secretary-General, Chief Executive Officer, Caribbean Community and Commons Market
  • Mr Pornchai Danvivathana, Secretary-General, Asian Cooperation Dialogue
  • Mr Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen, Deputy Secretary-General, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development  

All stakeholders across the globe can also be part of this celebration by organizing online and offline local events or activities related to Media and Information Literacy in their local community or region during the week. These events should be registered . Over 600 events have been registered so far globally. Stakeholders also have the chance to organize online and offline exhibitions by registering .  

UNESCO is the leading organization promoting media and information literacy. Media and information literacy empowers people to think critically about information and the use of digital tools. It helps people make informed choices about how they participate in peacebuilding, equality, freedom of expression, dialogue, access to information, and sustainable development.

UNESCO supports and champions media and information literacy initiatives across the globe. These efforts resulted in 25 countries taking steps to develop national policies and strategies on media and information literacy, carrying out training in close to 100 countries based on the Media and Information Literacy Curriculum, expanding the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance with members in 113 countries, supporting 300 youth organizations, 100 of which are in Africa, integrate and strengthen MIL in their policies and operations, reaching hundreds of thousands of young people