Future Ready ASEAN Coding Competition for Youth

The grand final of Future Ready ASEAN Coding Competition was successfully organized on 27 – 29 November 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand in collaboration with ASEAN Foundation, Empire Code Microsoft Philanthropies and Grab. There were 9 finalist teams from 9 ASEAN Member States, chosen among 299 teams, competing in the hackathon that took place in UNESCO Office, Bangkok. The finalists were given on the spot assignment to create a web-interface using Microsoft’s Azure Face API—Application programming Interface, a Face Recognition web application by Microsoft.
The finalists only had 3 hours to finalize their sustainability themed blog, which is classified in the four following sub-themes: climate change, biodiversity, water, and agriculture, and presented it in front of the judges. The judges were Ms Jasmine Tang from Empire Code, Dr Photchanan Ratanajaipan from Thai Network Information Center Foundation, Mr Ichiro Miyazawa from UNESCO, Mr Phantip Kokilanon from Microsoft and Ms Elaine Tan from ASEAN Foundation.
Three winners were announced on the last day of the event (29 November 2019), where the finalist team from Indonesia took the first place at the competition. They developed a web application focused on raising awareness on climate change and sustainable lifestyle. The finalist team from Lao PDR became the first runner-up with their web application focused on development, innovation and research on Agriculture in ASEAN region. The finalist team from the Philippines emerged as the second runner-up for their web application on sustainable Agriculture, where through their blog, community participation and partnership farming are encouraged.
The event was also the occasion for the finalists to exchange with female technopreuneurs from ASEAN through a talk show session with topic of Women in Tech: Build Sustainable Businesses, Cities and Societies through Technology. Inviting three notable speakers; Ms Thisana Thitisakdiskul as CEO and co-Founder, Ms Thiraya Thiranakanat, COO and Co-Founder CareerVisa Thailand, Ms Tanya Suvadee, the Country Public Affairs Manager, Grab Thailand. The talkshow was moderated by Dr Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai from Department of Computer at Chulalongkorn University. These activities are contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially on Goal 17 (target 17.8 on ICT) and Goal 4 (target 4.5 on eliminate gender disparities in education) and Goal 5 (target 5.B on empowering women in ICT).
For more information, please contact: Ai Sugiura ( and please visit: Future Ready ASEAN website ().