
Experts Meet in Costa Rica to Identify Seismic and Non-Seismic Tsunami Sources

Experts met in Heredia, Costa Rica during 3-5 December 2024 to identify tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Northwest Caribbean and non-seismic sources of tsunamis for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions.
Experts met in Costa Rica to identify tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Northwest Caribbean and non-seismic sources of tsunamis for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions

An expert meeting organized by the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Resilience Section and hosted by the Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tsunamis (SINAMOT) of Costa Rica brought together 16 in-person and four remote experts from Costa Rica, France, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and USA to discuss the source properties of earthquakes in the Northwest Caribbean and non-seismic sources of tsunamis for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions.

Three experts from Italy and Norway as representatives of the Global Tsunami Model also attended the Expert Meeting specifically to contribute to the discussion on the use of probabilistic methodologies in tsunami risk assessment of both seismic and non-seismic origin. The Expert Meeting was also attended by several observers from SINAMOT.

As a result of intense discussions in a laboratory type of setting, source parameters for volcanic and earthquake origin tsunamis in the respective regions were identified and preliminary modelling results were cross-examined during the joint session on the last day of the Expert Meeting. Experts will continue with the tsunami modelling of the sources defined with the aim of providing the results available within the first half of 2025 to be included in the report of the Expert Meeting.