Ethiopia receives support in preparation of World Heritage nomination files
Three participants from Ethiopia, together with 16 other representatives from Anglophone Africa, are taking part in an online World Heritage Nomination Workshop for Advanced Dossiers under the framework of the World Heritage Nomination Capacity Building Programme from 10 to 17 September 2020. The online workshop, which was organized by the African World Heritage Fund (), International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties (), School of African Heritage () and in partnership with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, is focused on the analysis and improvement of World Heritage Nomination files currently under preparation in the Africa region. The online workshop to support World Heritage nomination files in francophone African countries will be held from 24 September to 1 October 2020.
The workshop is assessing the preparation of advanced World Heritage nomination dossiers through critical analysis, practical exercises and peer exchange. Participants will be supported in the development of Action Plans for the finalization of individual nomination dossiers.
Three participants from Ethiopia took part in the workshop: Mr. Girma Timer, Protected Areas Development and Protection Director from Ethiopia Wildlife Conservation Authority; Mr. Muluneh Tefera Mariam and Mr. Abebe Tsadik, Focal Points for Gedeo Cultural Landscape Nomination Project from the Authority of Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (AARCH)., They introduced the progress of the nomination projects underway for and , which are currently on Ethiopia’s Tentative list of potential World Heritage sites.
The World Heritage Nomination Capacity Building Programme was initiated in 2008 and aims to make the heritage of Africa a source of inclusive economic and social benefits for its youth while promoting innovative ways of engaging with heritage and fostering intergenerational exchanges in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the aspirations of the African Union Agenda 2063.As Africa is the least represented region on the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is important to strengthen the skills of heritage practitioners to prepare successful World Heritage nomination files.
Following these online training workshops, the World Heritage Nomination Capacity Building Programme will further support the finalization of the nominations dossiers through mentorship, technical assistance and monitoring.
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