
Enabling Sustainable Development through Sport: UNESCO鈥檚 Funshop on Sport and the SDGs

Seventy youth activists from across Asia-Pacific who are using sport for positive social transformations in their countries will converge in Seoul, Republic of Korea, for the 2019 Funshop on Sport and the SDGs, lasting from 5 to 8 September. Supported by Lee Seung-Yuop Baseball Foundation, the 2019 Funshop will demonstrate what it means for sport to be 鈥渁n important enabler of sustainable development.鈥 Through structured exchanges that will draw on their own experiences, as well as capacity-building modules delivered by experienced facilitators, the youth will gain a deeper understanding of the role that sport can play in achieving specific SDG targets.

UNESCO鈥檚 Youth and Sport Task Force has selected the youth participants, determined the agenda, and will lead the delivery of the Funshop, following UNESCO鈥檚 commitment to promote actions that are 鈥渂y youth, with youth, for youth.鈥 The Task Force, established during the 2017 Funshop (Manila, the Philippines) unites creative, passionate and innovative young leaders across Asia and the Pacific who use sport as a tool for positive social change in their communities.

The discussions and activities during the Seoul Funshop will focus on the contribution that sport can make towards the following objectives:

  • Supporting meaningful youth empowerment,
  • Promoting health and fighting non-communicable diseases (NCDs),
  • Driving social inclusion and gender equality,
  • Raising awareness and spreading the message about climate change, and
  • Preventing violent extremism (PVE).

The youth activists participating in the Seoul Funshop are expected to join the Youth and Sport Task Force, bringing its membership to over 70 youth representing 25 Asia-Pacific countries.

UNESCO Jakarta Regional Bureau for Science designed and launched the Asia-Pacific Youth and Sport Task Force and the associated Funshops in 2017, and manages the programme in collaboration with other UNESCO Offices in the region.

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For the Agenda of the Funshop, please click