
Discover the Winners of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest

UNESCO is pleased to announce the winners of the second edition of the International Photo Contest "Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads". Organised in the context of the UNESCO Silk Roads Programme, this annual contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via one or more of the three following themes: gastronomy and food production, music and dance, and traditional sports and games.

Open for entries from 19 September 2019 to 31 January 2020, the contest received more than 3,500 photos from young participants from around 100 countries worldwide. An composed of six renowned professionals examined the submissions.

The contest is divided into two age categories: 14-17-year-olds and 18-25-year-olds. Three winners are selected from each of the age categories.


The contest winners are:

  • Category 1 (14-17 years old)

First Position:

Patria Prasasya, Indonesia, 17 years old

Title: Transaction in 鈥淟ok Baintan鈥 Floating Market

漏 Patria Prasasya / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Second Position:

Fenghao Yu, China, 15 years old

Title: The Wonderful Time

漏 Fenghao Yu / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Third Position:

Rama Kaushal, India, 17 years old

Title: Traditional Spirituality Dance

漏 Rama Kaushal / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads


Category 2 (18-25 years old)

  • First Position:

Aung Chan Thar, Myanmar, 22 years old

Title: Fishermen鈥檚 daily product

漏 Aung Chan Thar / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Second Position:

John Leonardo Rosales Dimain IV, Philippines, 25 years old

Title: The Art of Amis

漏 John Leonardo Rosales Dimain IV / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Third Position:

Sharad Iragonda Patil, India, 23 years old

Title: Combination of music and dance gives the freedom to express

漏 Sharad Iragonda Patil / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads


In addition, two honourable mentions are selected per category:

  • Category 1 (14-17 years old)

Arda Ta艧, Turkey, 15 years old

Title: Sheep Festival

漏 Arda Ta艧 / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Matin Ghezelbash, Iran, 17 years old

Title: Dancing Forms

漏 Matin Ghezelbash / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

Category 2 (18-25 years old)

  • Nguy峄卬 Ho脿ng 膼峄ヽ, Viet Nam, 24 years old

Title: The Epic Fight

漏 Nguy峄卬 Ho脿ng 膼峄ヽ / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

  • Hasan U莽ar, Turkey, 24 years old

Title: Woman Collecting Olives

漏 Hasan U莽ar / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads


These exceptional photos will also be published in a photo album "Youth Lens in the Silk Roads" in the following months. 

See also
