Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage sites in full swing

This flagship programme of Culture sector supported by Citi Foundation, targets 400 emerging young cultural entrepreneurs living around Borobudur – Prambanan (Yogyakarta/Central Java) UNESCO world heritage sites, Lake Toba (National Geopark) and Kota Tua, Jakarta to enhance their business skills and take opportunity of the presence of famous sites while also enhancing the value of the sites.
In Yogyakarta, a series of five boot camps were held throughout January 2019 with 200 youth, offering advanced training on financial management, social media branding, storytelling and cultural value of world heritage sites. On 19-20 February 2019, more than 100 youth from 5 districts around the famous Toba Lake of Sumatra Uttara enjoyed a first-time-ever interdisciplinary training on business planning, accounting, social media and photography, in addition to sector specific sessions on tailoring, weaving and wood curving.
Finally, the project surveyed and mapped another 100 youth from the historic district of Kota Tua Jakarta to join the initiative.
To kick-start the project activities in Kota Tua Jakarta, a Youth Gathering 2019 is planned on 26-28 April 2019 at the Museum of Bank Indonesia to feature products of youth entrepreneurs, and to exchange experiences of youth from Yogyakarta/Central Java, Toba and Kota Tua Jakarta. For further info, please consult official Instagram of the project, which is @kitamudakreatif