Coding Computer Skills Training for Youth in Laos

UNESCO Office Jakarta supported the Future Ready ASEAN Training for Trainers in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 19 and 20 August 2019 in collaboration with the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, National University of Laos, ASEAN Foundation, Microsoft Philanthropies, and Empire Code. Future Ready ASEAN is an online learning platform to empower all learners, in particular, underserved youth and young women, on digital skills to enable them to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution.
Thirty participants consisted of 22 men and eight women, trained to be the Master Trainers in Lao PDR. The Master Trainers will be providing digital skills and computer science training to underserved youth in their communities using the Future Ready ASEAN online learning platform. The Future Ready ASEAN is structured along four learning tracks that lead to 12 completion badges. Once the advanced level has been achieved for a given track, students are invited to pursue additional online courses leading to Microsoft's industry-recognised certifications.
The online platform and its courses are adjustable to incorporate local conditions within the ASEAN region, such as to train the youth with no computer skill or has limited digital literacy. In the long run, the online platform will serve as a sustainable learning centre for underserved youths in ASEAN. Besides the platform, the participants were also trained to use HTML5 and CSS to build a blog. Building the blog and its coding process could help the youth in understanding how to build a system by coding and how to use blog as media to write, express and disseminate information.
The Future Ready ASEAN has been implemented in eight ASEAN Countries and is part of a regional programme initiated by ASEAN Foundation and Empire Code, supported by Microsoft Philanthropies and UNESCO. The series of training in the ASEAN countries will lead to Future Ready ASEAN blog competition for the youth in second half of September and the selection of the Regional Champion in December 2019. These activities are contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially on Goal 17 (target 17.8 on ICT) and Goal 4 (target 4.5 on eliminate gender disparities in education) and Goal 5 (target 5.B on empowering women in ICT).
For more information, please contact: Ai Sugiura ( and please visit: Future Ready ASEAN website ().