
Celebrating Media Development Center on winning the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for sustainable development

Ramallah, 18 January 2022: UNESCO Ramallah, Prime Minister’s office, the Japanese Representative office, Birzeit University (BZU) and  Media Development Center (MDC), celebrated in a ceremony thrown at the Prime Minister’s office, MDC’s great achievement of winning the ESD Prize on their “Media and Information Literacy for Sustainable Societies”.
The MDC project strives to develop media and information literacy in a practical approach through dialogue. In addition to that the project aims to foster societal change through youth empowerment. MDC has always been committed to providing space and the necessary tools to create an environment in which press freedom can thrive in Palestine.  
Ms. Noha Bawazir, Head of office and UNESCO Representative to Palestine, renewed her congratulations to MDC, by saying “ I am encouraged by the strong recognition in Palestine of education's role in steering societal change. In this case, through Media and Information Literacy, as we recognize the key role of MIL in the early stages of life and the importance of integrating it into the educational process.” 
The initial Prize-giving ceremony was held online last November, during the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO, organized this year in the framework of the UNESCO’s 75th Anniversary. In spite of the fact that the celebrations happened virtually, the speeches delivered by the winners were very moving and empowering.