
Call for Proposals: Social Media 4 Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Submission deadline: 15 June 2021)

Title: Social Media 4 Peace: Enhancing the understanding of the root causes, scale and impact of potentially harmful content and of the effectiveness of the tools to address it in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Type of Contract: Contract for Services
Contract period: June – December 2021
Submission deadline: 15 June 2021

The Antenna in Sarajevo of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe is inviting qualified and experienced institutions, legal entities and individuals to submit the offers for delivery of the serviced under the project “549INT5001/SAR/01 Social Media 4 Peace: Enhancing the understanding of the root causes, scale and impact of potentially harmful content and of the effectiveness of the tools to address it in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

See below Terms of Reference for all related intormation.

If required, please contact Ms. Maja Nikolic (E-mail:, telephone: +387 33 222 796)

The offers should be submitted by email or normal e-mail, clearly mention the reference to the project ““549INT5001/SAR/01 Social Media 4 Peace: Enhancing the understanding of the root causes, scale and impact of potentially harmful content and of the effectiveness of the tools to address it in Bosnia and Herzegovina” to Ms. Maja Nikolic at, or to UNESCO, UN House, Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71.000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Offers should be received by 15 June 2021 at 17.00 hours (CET) at the latest.

The offers received after the abovementioned deadline will not be taken into consideration.

