Call for Proposals: Conducting Feasibility Study for Financing Culture and Creativity
Type of Contract: Contract for Services
Duration: 1 March – 31 August 2025, tentatively
Closing date: 7 February 2025, 18:00 hrs Bangkok Time (GMT +7)
Call number: BGK/CLT/2/2025
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Bangkok (UNESCO Bangkok) is seeking a contractor to conduct a feasibility study for financing culture and creativity in Asia and the Pacific.
Over the past decade, biodiversity finance has emerged as an important component in facilitating the achievement of global biodiversity conservation goals. It covers expenditures that directly fund biodiversity conservation, restoration or sustainable use, as well as financing that has positive effects on biodiversity goals (“nature-positive”). In addition to conventional sources of funding such as government budgets, official development assistance (ODA) and philanthropy, biodiversity finance also has unlocked new sources and paths of funding including capital markets, such as green bonds and other instruments.
By contrast, in the culture sector, financing heritage conservation as well as cultural and creative industries is still reliant on conventional sources. Particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, the biggest proportion of funding to culture comes from governmental backings. These sources proved vulnerable during the pandemic and other disruptions. Biodiversity financing models, therefore, have the potential to provide new avenues of funding in the culture sector as well.
The contractor is requested to undertake a feasibility study on sustainable and innovative models for financing culture and creativity with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region, including tasks as follows:
- Survey the current models for financing within the culture and creativity sector with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region and identify pain points and opportunities. The sector should include immovable heritage (i.e., protection and development of heritage sites), movable heritage including underwater cultural heritage, heritage collections and museums, culture in emergencies (i.e., disaster risk management in the context of natural and human-induced disasters), intangible cultural heritage, and culture and creative industries;
- Conduct literature review of financing models for different sectors, including biodiversity, that have been used across the world, and summarize the different models which could be adapted for financing culture and creativity in the context of Asia-Pacific region;
- Develop models for sustainable and innovative models for financing culture and creativity with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region, including identifying potential partnerships and alliances in developing such models further;
- Organize an online seminar on feasibility in financing culture and creativity in Asia and the Pacific, in order to share the findings, seek feedback and build networks with relevant organizations including financing and development partners.
Deliverables and timeframe
- By 15 March 2025, the contractor will submit the final study workplan and the list of resource persons to be involved;
- By 15 July 2025, the contractor will submit the final agenda and the list of participants of the seminar on feasibility in financing culture and creativity in Asia and the Pacific;
- By 31 August 2025, the contractor will submit the final feasibility report and related materials gathered over the course of the study.
Duty station:
Anywhere (online)
Required qualification, experience and competencies
- Over 5 years of professional experience in conducting financing feasibility studies and public reporting in fields related to culture and/or environment;
- Have a roster of allied professionals in fields related to cultural heritage (built and intangible heritage), who can be called upon to undertake or participate in the planned activities.
Desirable qualification, experience and competencies
- Familiarity with the concept and principles in achieving sustainable development goals, relatable to heritage and cultural and creative industries.
Interested organizations are invited to submit to UNESCO Bangkok the application package including
- Institutional profile,
- A technical proposal illustrating how the tasks will be carried out,
- A detailed financial proposal indicating rate per unit.
Application package is to be sent no later than 7 February 2025, 18:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7).
To the attention of:
Chief of Culture Unit
UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok
Email: culture.bgk(at)
Only short-listed companies/organizations will be contacted.
#CallForProposals #CreativeIndustries #CreativityCulturalDiversity