Call for Proposals for the project: Cultural rights to the revival of cultural industries and creativity for artists in Lebanon
With the view to support cultural industries and artistic creation and to promote cultural rights in Lebanon, UNESCO is launching a call solicitating local NGOs engaged in the cultural and creative industries to submit joint proposals for the creation and development of collaborative cultural activities.
Considering the multifaced crises ravaging Lebanon in the past three years artists and cultural professionals are faced with a drastic decline in their income streams that endangers their human and artistic survival and dignity. In many cases, the situation of artists with special needs is dire. As a result, the country is witnessing powerless the exodus of its most creative talents. Among those who remain, some have been forced to abandon their field of activity and seek other ways to earn their living.
This project has three main objectives:
- Support the creation and development of cultural activities across Lebanon outside the municipality Beirut and enhance the employability and entrepreneurial skills of young artists and cultural professionals by:
- creating opportunities for young artists and cultural professionals to work alongside experienced professionals.
- transferring know-how and skills in design, management, programming, scriptwriting, directing and producing among others.
- creating networking opportunities across domains thus creating a new dynamic for future collaborations and a collective response to the challenges facing creative people.
- Promote social reconciliation and give voice to young artists by supporting:
- Collaborative activities produced in a region and presented in at least one other region with the aim of promoting understanding and respecting diversity.
- Promoting the rights of participation and access to culture for people with disabilities by supporting activities:
- integrating people with disabilities and encouraging them to participate and enjoy cultural life.
- accessible and adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.
- Sensitizing cultural actors by advocating through arts for the social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
Eligibility Conditions:
- Proposals shall
- Include activities in creation, production, and distribution/diffusion of cultural and creative industries.
- be presented by at least two or more local NGOs engaged in the Cultural and Creative Industries, registered in Lebanon and based in at least two different regions (no more than one based in Beirut).
- have a timetable of maximum 10 months.
- integrate participation and access of people with disabilities.
- Eligible sectors: performing arts, audiovisuals arts and interactive media.
- Maximum budget: US$40,000 per collaborative activity with a balanced distribution between the partners.
Interested applicants are invited to submit a proposal (in English or Arabic) using the appropriate and providing the necessary supporting documents. The application forms shall be signed and dated.
The proposal and budget shall include information on the distribution of activities and expenses between the partners.
Submissions are accepted between Monday 12 June 2023 and Wednesday 12 July 2023 at Midnight Beirut Time.
The completed form and supporting documents should be submitted by e-mail to
For further information, please contact UNESCO office, Culture Unit by email: or by phone: +961 1 850013/4/5 ext. 324.
This activity was supported by the UNESCO Heritage Emergency Fund. We wish to thank its donors: the Qatar Fund for Development, the Kingdom of Norway, the French Republic, the Government of Canada, the Principality of Monaco, ANA Holdings INC., the Republic of Estonia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Principality of Andorra, the Slovak Republic, and the Republic of Serbia.