Call for participation: Workshop on geoheritage management in UNESCO designated sites

UNESCO celebrates and protects the geological heritage of designated sites – including more than 90 properties inscribed under the World Heritage Convention, 213 UNESCO Global Geoparks, and 759 Biosphere Reserves – while promoting sustainable development and addressing the challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss. Numerous sites have received a UNESCO label for their geological heritage, however effective management of this geoheritage remains a challenge. The finite and irreplaceable nature of geoheritage calls for appropriate conservation measures to ensure its preservation for future generations.
Site managers are often not familiar with the scientific methods and best practices for evaluating, monitoring, and managing geoheritage. Additionally, the increasing tourism activities in these sites pose risks to geoheritage, warranting guidance to address such challenges. Moreover, climate change-induced shifts in weather patterns and sea level rise require new strategies for mitigating risks to geoheritage. As geodiversity underpins biodiversity, it is crucial for UNESCO designated site managers to incorporate up-to-date developments on geodiversity into their management plans.
To address these pressing needs, the UNESCO International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme Secretariat, in collaboration with the World Heritage Centre and experts from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is holding a workshop on Geoheritage Management from 21 - 25 October 2025, in a location to be determined. The workshop is for staff and managers of World Heritage properties (designated under criterion viii) as well as other type of nationally or internationally designated areas (Biosphere Reserve, UNESCO Global Geopark, national park, etc.) to address the following topics:
- Strengthening the characterisation and demonstration of geodiversity and geoheritage according to criterion (viii) of the for the World Heritage List;
- Managing increasing touristic use of World Heritage properties and other conserved areas without negatively impacting the preservation of geological heritage;
- Mitigating the impact of climate change and sea level rise on geoheritage conservation and protection;
- Ensuring that management plans include appropriate measures to ensure that geodiversity continues to provide ecosystem services, given the geodiversity underpins biodiversity.
Eligible candidates will receive sponsorship from UNESCO for their participation in the workshop.
How to apply
Eligible representatives of UNESCO designated sites, as well as other types of conserved areas dealing with geoheritage management, should send the following documents to the International Geoscience and Geoparks (IGGP) Secretariat before 1 May 2025:
- A brief geological description of your site (500–1,000 words).
- A cover letter explaining your expectations for the workshop and how it might help you develop a new geoheritage management plan and/or improve and implement an existing one (500–1,000 words).
- Your CV.
The present call prioritises trainees from developing countries and UNESCO Member States. Women and early-career participants are especially encouraged to apply.