
Call for expression of interest: status of the artist in Cabo Verde

The Diversity of Cultural Expressions Entity is looking for a qualified and experienced international company specialized in cultural policy advice to support the finalisation of a status of the artist law and the implementation of follow-up activities in Cabo Verde. Expressions of interest should reach UNESCO by 25 May 2023. The expected starting date for this work is 5 June 2023 lasting until 15 December 2023.


  1. Within the framework of the UNESCO-Aschberg programme, UNESCO offers technical assistance to Member States to support them in the elaboration of regulatory frameworks that protect and promote artistic freedom, including the status of the artist, in accordance with the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist.
  2. Through the 2021 UNESCO-Aschberg call for projects, Cabo Verde was among the 12 beneficiary countries selected to receive technical assistance. The objective of their proposal is to strengthen the status of professional artists that includes the protection of their social and labour rights through a participatory process ensuring the contributions of all relevant stakeholders.


Under the authority of the Chief of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions entity, and direct supervision of the UNESCO-Aschberg Project Officer, and in close coordination with the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries of Cabo Verde, the Contractor shall:

  • Provide support to the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries of Cabo Verde in drafting and implementing the workplan of activities and budget of their selected proposal.
  • Provide advice in the finalisation of the law on the status of the artist and share international best practices regarding the development of legislation in favour of the status of the artist
  • Participate in national consultations on the status of the artist providing an international perspective
  • Provide recommendations for the implementation of the regulatory texts related to the status of the artist
  • Participate in presentations with key instances of the senior management of the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries and other relevant stakeholders
  • Advise the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries to promote the ownership and dissemination of the status of the artist law towards all relevant stakeholders

Throughout the project, the Contractor will:

  • Maintain regular contact with the Diversity of Cultural Expressions entity and UNESCO Office in Dakar to monitor the progress of the project
  • Participate in regular online coordination meetings with the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries in order to ensure constant communication on the implementation progress. The frequency for these meetings will be determined with the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries and UNESCO
  • Encourage teamwork, capitalizing on each member鈥檚 skills and experience and ensuring an adequate transfer of skills and competences
  • Provide to UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries all necessary documents and information in possession on the project
  • Undertake regular monitoring with UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries to ensure sustainability to the results obtained


  • Workplan and budget for the implementation of the project, by 15 July 2023
  • Final draft law on the Status of the Artist, by 15 October 2023
  • Final report including recommendations on the implementation of the status of the artist in Cabo Verde, by 30 November 2023

Qualifications and skills

The applicant(s) shall have the following qualifications:

  • Relevant experience in cultural policy advice
  • Fluency in written and spoken English and Portuguese
  • Experience with UNESCO and/or other agencies of the United Nations.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to send their expression of interest in English to the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Entity, together with the following information:

  • A short presentation of the proposed approach, strategy and methodology that would be adopted to carry out this assignment.
  • A company profile including the description of past cultural policy advice work.
  • A financial proposal (quoted in US dollars or EUR only) with a breakdown of the cost based on the number of working days required for the deliverables described above.
  • Curriculum Vitae(s) of the expert(s) involved in the execution of the tasks.

Please note that due to the high number of expressions of interest, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Expressions of interest should reach UNESCO by 25 May 2023, at the following address: