
Call for Articles: Online Publication on Evaluation Frameworks for Futures Literacy and Foresight

Submission Deadline: 25 September 2023
MOST - Futures Literacy

Contributor Information

UNESCO Social and Human Sciences is pleased to announce a call for articles submission for an Online Publication on Evaluation Frameworks for Futures Literacy and Foresight, following the insightful UNESCO – PMU Symposium held on the 21st and 22nd of June, 2023 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

The UNESCO – PMU Symposium brought together key stakeholders from the field of Futures Studies to exchange and collectively explore meaningful frameworks, methods and tools to capture the impact of futures work and applied foresight practice in various contexts. You may access the Report of the Symposium here.

In times characterized by profound uncertainty and volatility amidst the unfolding of multiple concurrent crises, there is an urgent need to continue fostering the development of futures capabilities and foresight capacity worldwide and, in parallel, to accelerate our efforts to capture, analyze and understand the various impacts of futures work.

We invite contributions from researchers, practitioners, and experts working in the field of futures studies, anticipation, futures literacy, foresight, evaluation, and related areas, addressing one or more of the following aspects:

  • Theoretical perspectives on evaluating futures initiatives.
  • Methodologies and tools for assessing the impact and effectiveness of futures literacy and / or applied foresight processes.
  • Evaluation frameworks and indicators for futures literacy and/or foresight projects.
  • Case studies and empirical research on evaluating futures literacy and/or foresight interventions.
  • Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned from evaluating futures work.
Report of the UNESCO-PMU Symposium: Towards evaluation frameworks for futures literacy and foresight
UNESCO-PMU Symposium: Towards Evaluation Frameworks for Futures Literacy and Foresight

Article Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be original, unpublished work, up to 6000 words in length, including references and appendices.
  • An abstract (250-300 words) summarizing the main objectives, methodology, and findings of the paper should be included.
  • Citations and references should follow the .
  • All submissions need to accompanied by authors short bios up to 100 words in length
  • All submissions will be reviewed, and authors will be notified of the decision by end of October 2023.

Important Dates

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 25 September 2023

Notification of Acceptance: 31 October 2023


Submissions should be sent via email to

For any inquiries or further information, please contact the UNESCO Futures Literacy and Foresight Team via