
Call for application: UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences

Supporting researchers is supporting life

The causes are there, the researchers are there. But where are the means that make it possible to carry out research and breathe life into this work?

UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences aims to encourage research and the development of centres of scientific excellence. It rewards projects and activities that contribute to improving the quality of human life through science.

Candidates can be individuals or institutions. The prize is awarded to a maximum of three winners per year.

This award strengthens the recognition given to researchers. The amount of 350,000 USD is divided equally among the laureates, who receive a certificate and a "Integracion Tribal" statuette from the famous Equatorial Guinean artist Leandro Mbomio.

for the 2019 edition is open until 15 May.