Building a National Strategy for Education Statistics in Haiti.
The objective of this workshop was to familiarize participants with the different tools and concepts related to the diagnosis of the quality of the educational statistics’ production chain and how to identify areas for improvement. About ten members of the national technical team, an entity set up under UNESCO’s Capacity Development for Education (CapED) Programme, took part in this activity.
During the different sessions, the participants became aware of the evaluation grids of the different sources of data production, such as: administrative data from the Directorate of Planning and External Cooperation, household surveys, learning appraisals and financial data by becoming familiar with the principles guiding the production of quality statistics.
As a result of this workshop, the national technical team members were able to discover and use the tools developed to assess the context in which the data is produced, the processes used and the statistical results produced. The participants analysed current practices versus good practices and identified the strengths and weaknesses of the data production system from the administrative source under the responsibility of the Directorate of Planning and External Cooperation.
Overall, the training provided Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) managers who are members of the national technical team to become familiar with good practices necessary to produce quality data in Education and to identify weaknesses for which recommendations for improvement must be made.
This workshop, held with the support of CapED, will lead to the production by the national technical team of a report on the evaluation of data quality in the education sector, including the necessary recommendations for its improvement. Looking ahead, the recommendations of this report will aid in the preparation of the National Strategy for the Development of Education Statistics (NESDS).