Asia-Pacific Learning Symposium of the Global Working Group to End School-related Gender-based Violence: a gallery walk of innovative approaches; a compilation of posters
The Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence (hereafter SRGBV Working Group), established in 2014 by 35 organizations, provides a platform for over 50 civil society organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors, the UN, academia, and education unions working on gender, health, education, child protection, and violence against women and girls.
Co-chaired by the UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) and UNESCO, the SRGBV Working Group has raised awareness about the reality of SRGBV; advanced evidence-based global normative standards; facilitated knowledge exchange; and brought attention to promising practices in addressing SRGBV. Following the last three successful symposia held in Latin America in 2021 (virtually), East and Southern Africa in 2019 (in person) and West and Central Africa in 2017 (in person), the Working Group hosted the Learning Symposium in Asia-Pacific region. The Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV WG) Asia-Pacific Learning Symposium, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 25–27 April 2023, convened a diverse group of seventy participants from twenty countries.
The symposium included various partners representing government –focusing on education sector personnel and civil society, bilateral partners, UN and other multilateral agencies, young activists and programme implementers, and research institutions. This compilation of posters features innovative solutions to support SRGBV prevention that are showcased as a part of the programme during the learning symposium. From fifteen different examples, this collection of innovations on preventing and responding to SRGBV targets global audiences and aims to share experiences from various organizations from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
See also:
End school-related gender-based violence (#EndSRGBV)
#SRGBV #EducationForHealth