
Annual Sector Review discusses Inclusive and Qualitative Pre-school Education for All as central theme

Ramallah 9-10 April – The Annual Sector Review (ASR) of the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG) took place at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE). This meeting is an extensive two-day gathering where all education stakeholders in Palestine discuss strategic directions and outline concrete recommendations for the upcoming year, within the MoEHE’s Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) for 2017-2022. The overall theme of this year’s ASR is Inclusive and Quality Pre-School Education for All with a focus on assessing the plans and the progress made for enhancing access to inclusive and quality pre-school education, in line with the basic education law that sets out the goal of providing free and compulsory pre-school education for all. The ASR was preceded by a field-visit to the Jalout and AlTufoolah AlSa’eeda pre-school in Nablus, to further promote quality assurance of pre-school education.


The Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Sabri Saidam welcomed all donors and partners, thanking them for their cooperation with the Ministry and their continuous support to the Palestinian education sector. He further pointed out that education is the future of Palestine and highlighted the recurrent international awards of Palestinians in different domains and the achievements of the education sector in Palestine including digitization, Artificial Intelligence, pre-school  and TVET.


Ms. Paula Malan, Head of Development Cooperation of the Representative Office of Finland, speaking as the co-chair and on behalf of the Joint Financing Partners to the Education Sector, expressed her appreciation of the commitment of the MoEHE and all development partners towards the advancement of education in Palestine. She further stressed that we expect that resources and investments are allocated in such a way that it reduces inequalities and that the MoEHE will ensure that all schools in Palestine are inclusive.


Mr. Junaid Sorosh-Wali, Officer in Charge of UNESCO National Office to Palestine, commended the MoEHE with this year’s theme and highlighted that strong pre-schooling systems create strong foundations for future learning. He further ccongratulated the Minister and his team with achievements made in the TVET sector which UNESCO considers as a step forward towards cultivating the culture of TVET education in the minds of our children and parents. He further stressed that we need to keep investing in quality inclusive education and learning achievements and emphasized on more investments in scientific streams, 21st Century Skills for youth and better academic achievements for boys and girls.


During the two-day event, the MoEHE presented the progress made on the 2018 ASR recommendations and the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Baseline Report for the ESSP, followed by in-depth technical discussions, led by technical expertise, in particular on this year’s central theme and topics. The M&E Baseline report shows commendable progress towards SDG4 targets, with the main recommendations being increased focus on vulnerability and exclusion, more emphasis to teacher policy and teacher training and adjusting M&E targets to better match ESSP investments and priorities.


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For more information on this event, please contact: Majd Beltaji, Public Information Officer of the UNESCO Ramallah Office, at