
42 schools of UNESCO’s Associated School Network piloted Media and Information Literacy curricula in classrooms

UNESCO supported from 2022 to 2023 the piloting of its new Media and Information Literacy curricula "Media and Information Literacy Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely" in classrooms from 7 countries in cooperation with schools connected to the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet). The seven countries that benefited were Algeria, Canada, Kenya, Nigeria, Ecuador, South Korea, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Media and Information Literacy curricula in classrooms

Media and Information Literacy stands as an essential skill for fostering an informed, resilient, and empowered society in today's digital age. Urgent action is needed across all countries to support and boost the integration of such skills in formal education curricula.

Tawfik Jelassi
Tawfik JelassiAssistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO

Integrating Media and Information Literacy in national education curricula remains one of the most far-reaching strategy to ensure everyone is equipped with knowledge and skills necessary to navigating and interacting with the online ecosystem and digital technologies. 

The enthusiasm displayed by teachers who benefited from the piloting and the positive reactions from students underscored a continuous need for Media and Information Literacy training. According to the pre-training survey carried with the educators:

An overwhelming 99% of the respondents strongly agree or agree (91% and 8% respectively) that there is a need for MIL in their school. Moreover, the evaluation that was carried out showed that only 35% of participants were very familiar with Media and Information Literacy concepts and competencies. 65% had moderate to very little knowledge of this area.

In summary, the projects resulted in:

  • 42 schools in the targeted seven countries piloting the UNESCO model MIL curriculum over the period of the project
  • 60 educators trained to integrate MIL in their classroom

Over 1000 students trained on MIL.

Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!
Grizzle, Alton
Wilson, Carolyn
Tuazon, Ramon
Cheung, Chi Kim
Lau, Jesus
Fischer, Rachel
Gordon, Dorothy
Akyempong, Kwame
Singh, Jagtar
Carr, Paul R.
Stewart, Kristine
Tayie, Samy
Suraj, Olunifesi
Jaakkola, Maarit
Thésée, Gina
Gulston, Curmira
Andzongo Menyeng, Blaise Pascal
Zibi Fama, Paul Alain