
2025 Asia-Pacific World Heritage Young Masters: Call for Applications

From now on until March 31, the “2025 Asia-Pacific World Heritage Young Masters” is open to recruitment.
?WHITRAP Suzhou 2024

The UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia-Pacific Region (WHITRAP Suzhou) are pleased to launch the World Heritage Young Masters Initiative”. This pioneering program aims to recognize and empower the next generation of heritage conservation leaders by showcasing their innovative cultural heritage projects across the region.

Youth are the future custodians of the world’s heritage and a driving force behind its sustainable development. The “World Heritage Young Masters initiative” seeks to strengthen the transmission of heritage building skills among young people, encourage their participation in cultural heritage protection, and foster creativity and leadership within youth communities. It focuses on replicable innovative practices in cultural heritage and builds an international platform for youth participation in heritage protection, contributing to the sustainable development of society and the economy through case selection, academic exchanges, and showcasing of achievements.

左图:? 苏州市拙政园管理处(苏州市园林博物馆)右图:木作斗拱专项培养 ? 故宫博物院

From now on until March 31, the “2025 Asia-Pacific World Heritage Young Masters” is open to recruitment. 

The theme of this year is “Protection, Innovation and Sustainable Development”, highlighting innovative practices in cultural heritage protection led by young professionals. The recruitment is open to individuals under the age of 45 in the Asia-Pacific region who are engaged in cultural heritage conservation. This includes managers and practitioners from cultural heritage conservation entities, professionals from universities and research institutions, employees of heritage-related enterprises, heritage conservation architects, landscape designers, intangible cultural heritage inheritors, traditional artisans, and others engaged in the heritage-related fields.

古建保护修复研修—苏州园林营造技艺 ? 苏州市世界文化遗产古典园林保护监管和国际交流中心

Eligible cases include wooden structure dominated protection projects completed within the last 10 years at cultural heritage sites, encompassing but is not limited to restoration, extension, reconstruction and new construction in the historical contexts. 

An Evaluation Committee, composed of renowned experts in cultural heritage protection, will review the submitted cases, rigorously verifying the accuracy and completeness of the materials. After the evaluation, the shortlisted candidates will be announced 21 April 2025. Participants who meet the standards will be invited to attend the inaugural "Asia-Pacific World Heritage Young Masters" workshop in Suzhou.  

Interested applicants are invited to download the Call for Applications and the Application Form at the end of the article to learn more about the initiative and detailed process.

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