Youth Employment through Heritage and Culture in Yemen
Yemen is renowned for its abundant cultural heritage, including archaeological sites and cities with historical significance. With five properties nominated as UNESCO’s World Heritage and nine inscribed in its Tentative List, Yemen’s built cultural heritage sites are a unique window to understand the extraordinary 2,200-year-old urban civilization that once thrived in Arabia Felix.
Due to the ongoing conflict, the Old City of Sana’a, the Old Walled City of Shibam, the Historic Town of Zabid, and many other important historic centres in Yemen remain extremely vulnerable. In June 2022, to address the needs in heritage rehabilitation and cultural programming and provide employment opportunities for the Yemeni youth, UNESCO, in partnership with the European Union, launched the “Youth Employment through Heritage and Culture in Yemen” initiative.
“Youth Employment through Heritage and Culture in Yemen”
‘’UNESCO will aim at supporting more young Yemenis, upscaling the interventions in historical cities, and expanding to new locations. We also aim at reaching out to more young artists and CSOs, to support their creativity while contributing to social cohesion and peacebuilding, at a time when Yemen is committed to transition from humanitarian to more development needs.’’