India's G20 Presidency for the Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries and Creative Economy

Last update:18 April 2023

The cultural and creative industries are important drivers of economic growth and job creation, as well as vital contributors for social and cultural development. As per UNESCO statistics, these are amongst the most dynamic industries and contribute to 3.1% of global GDP and employ more people in the age group of 15-29, than any other sector.

Despite the sector鈥檚 significant contribution to the global economy, the absence of a standard definition, limited cultural data collection, and informal nature continues to be a challenge affecting long term growth and has an impact on the status of cultural practitioners.

The vision of India's Culture Working Group (CWG) is to increase and support the growth of cultural and creative industries and the creative economy for promoting job creation, innovation, inclusiveness and improving the status of cultural practitioners.

Culture and creative industries can stimulate economic diversification, while offering solutions as we seek to build a more inclusive, sustainable and peaceful future.

Ernesto Ottone R.Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO

Save the date | Thematic webinar on the Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries and Creative Economy

India's G20 Presidency is organizing a thematic webinar on 19 April 2023, to foster an inclusive dialogue on the promotion of cultural and creative industries and creative economy. The webinar aims to identify gaps and challenges in the sector and opportunities for increasing its share in the global GDP and improving cultural data collection for the creation of satellite accounts for the culture sector, highlight best practices, guide G20 membership in formulating tangible outcomes, and shape the joint ministerial declaration for the G20 Culture Ministers' Meeting in August 2023.

Working Documents

Background Paper
G20 India
Annotated Agenda
G20 India
Guidance Note
G20 India

#G20Culture #G20India

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