Inter-Agency Cooperation for Culture

for Culture

Building on the spirit of the Inter-Agency Platform on Culture for Sustainable Development, this page aims to shed light on previous or ongoing UN Inter-Agency cooperation initiatives carried out within the framework of Culture and Sustainable Development. 

Economic Recovery through Sustainable Enterprises in the Informal Economies of Fiji, Palau, Tonga and Vanuatu

Partner Organizations: ILO, UNESCO, UNDP, IFAD

Advancing the SDGs by Improving livelihoods and resilience

Partner Organizations: ILO, OHCHR, UNESCO, UNODC, ITU, UNOPS

Promoting decent work in the African cultural and creative economy

Partner Organizations: ILO, UNESCO, African Union

Samoa Spotlight Initiative to End Domestic violence and Intimate Partner Violence

Partner Organizations: UNESCO, UNDP, UN Spotlight Initiative Fund

South-South cooperation on sustainable tourism Development in Mexican World Heritage cities

Partner Organizations: UNESCO, UNOSSC

Supporting sustainable tourism through the safeguarding of the Agro-Cultural Landscape in Battir, Palestine

Partner Organizations: UNESCO, FAO

Music to support Educational Processes

Partner Organizations: CAF, UNESCO, UNICEF, OEI, ReachingU Foundation