UNESCO Forum on Biodiversity: On the road to Kunming
Our Planet Our Future 50 Years of UNESCOs Man and the Biosphere programme On the road to Kunming 24 March 2021 from 100 to 530 pm The year 2021 is a crucial year for biodiversity during which new objectives and new commitments will be made for the coming decade UNESCO as a laboratory of ideas and a guardian organization of knowledge and knowhow respectful of biodiversity has an important role to play in helping to shape and fuel a dialogue on environmental challenges and their implications both ethical and for peace in the world This is the goal of its Biodiversity Forum which was held online on Wednesday 24 March 2021 from 100 pm The Biodiversity Forum welcomed prestigious guests from all over the world and various actors committed to the benefit of biodiversity ? Context objectives?? Programme?? Speakers?? Why UNESCO?? Partners ? The full video of the event is available online you can also watch the forum on FacebookEnglish Fran?ais Espa?ol Spanish is only available for the inaugural session while the full event is available in English and French YouTubeEnglish Fran?ais TwitterEnglish Fran?ais ? Photo Mustard and flower fields in Dong Chuan Kunming China ? Shutterstockcom ? Context objectives?? Programme?? Speakers?? Why UNESCO?? Partners