Mechanisms for Journalist Safety

National Safety Mechanisms - Somalia

National Safety Context

According to the Observatory of Killed Journalists there have been over 75 recorded killings in Somalia since 1993. Approximately 25% of these crimes have been judicially resolved according to the latest Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity. Somalia has responded 5 times to the Director-General's requests for information on the judicial status of the cases of these killed journalists since 2009.

There is 1 national safety mechanism being implemented in Somalia to prosecute crimes committed against journalists. There is 1 ongoing national action plan with a specific component on improving the safety of journalists. More information on these initiatives is summarised below including relevant links.

National Mechanism


Special Prosecutor for Crimes Against Journalists

The Special Prosecutor has been active since 2020. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Special Prosecutor was appointed to investigate crimes against journalists and prosecute the perpetrators. 

How is it implemented? Who are the stakeholders? 

The Special Prosecutor is appointed by the Attorney General and operates at the federal level. 

Journalist in Africa

National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists

The National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists has been active since 2022. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Plan aims to strengthen the safety of journalists by stemming the trend of intimidation, harassment and violence against journalists at work. Some key objectives of the plan include encouraging local advocacy, enabling journalists to play leadership roles, exploring synergies between various actions in media freedom and freedom of information and the protection of women journalists. 

How is it implemented? / Who are the stakeholders? 

The Plan was established at the Consultative Forum on Safety and Security of Somali Journalists and is implemented at a federal level. The Plan is a multi-stakeholder initiative supported by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia, several media houses, the Federal Government, UNESCO and the International Labor Organisation. 

Journalist reporting

For more specific information on the national safety mechanism and action plan in Somalia and those in other countries please follow the links.

Safety Women Journalist