Mechanisms for Journalist Safety

National Safety Mechanisms - Paraguay

National Safety Context

According to the Observatory of Killed Journalists there have been 9 recorded killings in Paraguay since 1993. More than 30% of these crimes have been judicially resolved according to the latest Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity. Paraguay has responded 7 times to the Director-General's requests for information on the judicial status of the cases of these killed journalists since 2014. 

There are 2 national safety mechanisms being implemented in Paraguay to prevent and protect journalists from crimes committed against them. More information on these initiatives is summarised below including relevant links.

Security Protocol for Journalists in High Risk Situations

The Security Protocol for Journalists in High-Risk Situations (Protocolo de Seguridad para Periodista en Situaci贸n de Alto Riesgo) has been active since 2017. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Protocol ensures the provision of protection materials in case of threats to journalists that have been deemed high-risk. Once protection measures have been implemented, an institutionalized contact between journalist unions and police departments is put into place. 

How is it implemented? 

The Protocol operates at a national level, aiming to protect journalists threatened because of their work, by reinforcing the capacities of the police. Journalists need to file a complaint to the state police which is then evaluated by the police department and if the conditions are assessed as high-risk then necessary measures are implemented by law enforcement agents. 

Who are the stakeholders? 

The Protocol is the result of cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and the National Police, as well as journalist unions like the Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) and Foro de Periodistas Paraguayos (FOPEP). 

Safety of Journalists Desk

The Safety of Journalists Desk (Mesa para la Seguridad de Periodistas y Lucha contra la Impunidad) has been active since 2020. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Desk has an Observatory to monitor the safety of journalists in Paraguay, recording cases of assault, murders, kidnappings, and all other attacks against journalists. The mechanism reports those cases to UNESCO following a request for judicial updates. The Desk collaborates with its stakeholders to raise awareness for the safety of journalists, through workshops and international commemorations. It provides a 24/7 online submission platform for threat reporting, and engages in the training of journalists, including with the creation of a judicial guide and webinars. 

Several actions have been taken through the Desk related to the review of existing legislation for the protection of journalists. One initiative was the development of a model protocol for investigating cases of violence against journalists. 

A specialised working group also works with the Desk for specific threats against women journalists. 

How is it implemented? 

The Desk was implemented after Paraguay signed a Letter of Intent to comply with the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists. The Desk aims to prevent attacks at a national level by compiling and reporting data, producing content for advocacy and awareness raising.  

Who are the stakeholders? 

The Desk is the first initiative bringing together the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government. The National Commission to UNESCO, the Instituto de Derecho y Economia Ambiental and journalist unions are also members of the Desk. 


For more specific information on the national safety mechanisms in Paraguay and those in other countries please follow the links.

Safety Women Journalist