Mechanisms for Journalist Safety

National Safety Mechanisms - Pakistan

National Safety Context

According to the Observatory of Killed Journalists there have been over 90 recorded killings in Pakistan since 1993. Approximately 2% of these crimes have been judicially resolved according to the latest Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity. Pakistan has responded 5 times to the Director-General's requests for information on the judicial status of the cases of these killed journalists since 2009.

There are 2 national safety mechanisms being implemented in Pakistan to prevent, protect and prosecute crimes committed against journalists. More information on these initiatives is summarised below including relevant links.

National Mechanisms

Prevention, Protection and Prosecution

Reporting Template on Crimes Against Journalists

The Reporting Template to gather data on crimes against journalists has been active since 2021. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Reporting Template trains law enforcement agents to report attacks against journalists. The Reporting Template emphasizes the connection between national and international reporting on SDG 16.10.1. 

How is it implemented? 

The data collected in the Reporting Template is used by different actors, including the National Police Bureau to monitor crimes against journalists in different parts of the country. 

Who are the stakeholders? 

The Reporting Template is coordinated by the National Police Bureau. Other actors are also involved, such as several Police departments, Parliamentary Taskforces, the Ministry of Interior, the Peace and Justice Network and the Parliament Commission for Human Rights. 

Sindh Commission for Protection of Journalists and Other Media Workers

The Sindh Commission for Protection of Journalists and Other Media Workers has been active since 2022. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Commission monitors complaints made by journalists and is in contact with the police for access to the relevant documentation related to the reporting of attacks. At the local, provincial and federal level, the Commission seeks to coordinate policies and actions of authorities. The Commission also acts as a platform for dialogue between civil society organisations, unions, and media companies. 

The Commission protects journalists by providing protection measures with 14 days of their initial request. In case of threats to journalists’ lives, the Commission acts to effectively safeguard their security within 14 days.

The Commission provides journalists access to legal assistance and is able to direct expeditious investigations of an incident within 90 days. 

How is it implemented? / Who are the stakeholders? 

The Commission is a regional mechanism, implementing activities only in the Sindh region.  It has representatives from the Information Secretary, the Law Secretary, the Home Secretary, the Human Rights Secretary, and two members of the Sindh Provincial Assembly. Non-official members are also part of the Commission, including representatives from media organisations, journalists' unions and others. 


For more specific information on the national safety mechanisms in Pakistan and those in other countries please follow the links.

Safety Women Journalist