Inclusive Education in Brazil

Evaluation studies indicate the existence of significant quality disparities between public and private educational institutions in Brazil.
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Last update:12 December 2023

Quality Disparities

UNESCO supports actions related to the development of competencies of educational managers and technical teams responsible for educational planning and management to improve access to education and the permanence of students in schools to improve the efficiency and efficacy of education offered to the Brazilian population.

There must be a guarantee that all students have access to a good-quality education that can respond to all essential learning needs to enrich the lives of youth. It is how the right to education for all becomes a fact. Therefore, UNESCO intends to support Brazil in implementing affirmative actions to promote equal opportunities for access to quality education, including all groups of Brazilian society.

Leaving No One Behind

Deep and broad racial and ethnic inequalities continue to exist in Brazilian society (especially concerning some specific groups such as the Indigenous population, African descendants, quilombolas, prisoners and rural population). Moreover, the specialized literature strongly correlates ethnic background and educational opportunities. These relations coexist side by side with social inequalities – including regional disparities within the country –which result in the educational exclusion of many youth and adults. 

  • Vulnerable children and youth
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • African descents
  • Girls and women
  • Refugees and migrants
  • Persons with disabilities
  • The elderly
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Indigenous Peoples


Indigenous Communities in Brazil

African Descents


 of the Brazilian population

Girls and women


of the Brazilian workforce

Refugees and Immigrants

~ 1,3 million

 immigrants living in Brazil

Persons with Disabilities

~ 17 million

or 8,4% of the Brazilian population

The Elderly

~ 30 million

 or 14,7% of the Brazilian population