The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906)


Just as Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) is testimony to German silent film art, The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906) symbolises both the birth of the Australian film industry and the emergence of an Australian identity. Even more significantly it heralds the emergence of the feature film format.

The Story of the Kelly Gang, directed by Charles Tait in 1906, is the first full-length narrative feature film produced anywhere in the world.

Only fragments of the original production of more than one hour are known to exist and are preserved at the National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra. The original poster and publicity booklet provide confirmation of those fragments’ authenticity and together this material represents the unique and irreplacable beginning of feature film culture.

Registration Year: 2007
Submission Year: 2006
Submitted by: Australia
Related Committee:
Document type: Videos/Films

Collection locations

Media Gallery

Dan Kelly and Joe Byrne
Dan Kelly and Joe Byrne
Capture of Ned Kelly
Capture of Ned Kelly
Kelly Gang Poster, 1906
Kelly Gang Poster, 1906
The Gang reading the proclamation
The Gang reading the proclamation
The police surrounding Glenrowan Hotel
The police surrounding Glenrowan Hotel
Sticking up Younghusband's Station
Sticking up Younghusband's Station
The Black Trackers
The Black Trackers
Pulling up the line at Glenrowan
Pulling up the line at Glenrowan
Sticking up the euroa bank
Sticking up the euroa bank
Ned Kelly shoots Fitzpatrick
Ned Kelly shoots Fitzpatrick
Death of Dan Kelly and Steve Hart
Death of Dan Kelly and Steve Hart
Death of Aaron Sherritt
Death of Aaron Sherritt