Pages of Testimony Collection, Yad Vashem Jerusalem, 1954-2004

Six Million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, their names transformed to numbers. Most have no graves, no marked tombstones. The Pages of Testimony Collection represents a large-scale collective memorial to Holocaust victims, which endeavours to give them back their names and faces. It is unprecedented in human history in both its dimensions and its intent to preserve from oblivion all victims' names and identities. Comprised of invaluable personal hand-signed testimonies, it is unique in the world, distinctive in comparison with later attempts that tried to emulate the model in order to commemorate victims of other genocides such as in Rwanda and Cambodia.

Registration Year: 2013
Submission Year: 2012
Submitted by: Israel
Related Committee:
Document type: Papers

Collection locations

Media Gallery

The Pages of Testimony Collection, housed in the Hall of Names, within the Holocaust History Museum at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.
The Pages of Testimony Collection, housed in the Hall of Names, within the Holocaust History Museum at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.