Early cylinder recordings of the world's musical traditions (1893-1952) in the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
The Berlin Phonogramm-Archive is a part of the musicological section of the Ethnographical Museum, State Museum at Berlin, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation [Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv am Museum für Völkerkunde, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz]. More than 145,000 recordings of mussic representing the cultural heritage of many cultures all over the world excluding Western Art and Pop music are stored on completely different sound carriers such as Edison-phonograms, analog and digital tapes, and all kinds of discs (from 78 shellac discs to LPs and CDs).
This is a world-wide unique sound collection with universal significance and intercultural dimensions.
Registration Year: 1999
Submission Year: 1998
Submitted by: Germany
Related Committee:
Document type: Books