Borobudur Conservation Archives
The Borobudur Conservation Archives are a set of documents related to the conservation of the Borobudur Temple as one of the earliest international campaigns, beginning in the 1960s and running until the 1980s, to preserve a cultural site that was funded by the international community in cooperation with a national government. This campaign, and the Borobudur Restoration Project (1973-1983), was one of the precursors to the creation of the World Heritage Convention. Borobudur is the first project to have involved the use of modern techniques for monument conservation. The collection consists of 71,851 sheets of photo, 6,043 sheets of as-built drawing, 7,024 plates of negative glass, 13,512 slides of positive film, 65,741 exposes of negative film, 21 reels of celluloid film and 425 numbers of project documents.