Kien Giang

General information
The waters around the islands are considered some of the best fishing grounds in the southwestern region of Viet Nam of which the most important resources are squid and cuttlefish.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Viet Nam
Total population
1,188,106.00 ha
Total terresterial area
329,305.00 ha
Total Marine area
858,801.00 ha
Latitiude: 9.96 - Longitude: 104.53
Ecological Characteristics
The biosphere reserve has three core zones overlapping with three National Parks and one nature reserve. These contain parts of the Mekong River basin, Phu Quoc Island and several protected marine areas, some of which host coral reefs. The reserve contains various tropical forest ecosystems including primary and secondary forests with dominantDipterocarpaceaefamilies, Limestone and Karst forests with dominant species ofTrestonia mergvensisandDacrydium pierrei, seasonally flooded forest (Melaleuca cajuputi), mangrove ecosystems (Rhizophora, Aegiceras, BruguieraandAvicennia genuses, especiallyLumnitzera rosea), coastal mudflats and lakes, coral reef and seagrass ecosystems. There are 89 hard coral species, 19 soft corals, 125 coral reef fishes, 132 mollusks, 32 echinoderms and 62 seaweed species. The seagrass beds are important for foraging marine turtles, a population of globally threatened dugong (Dugong dugon), the scaly clam (Tridacna squamosal), Trochus Shell (Trochus nilotichu) and the critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
Socio-Economics Characteristics
Kien Giang is recognized as an area of very rich marine resources which play an important role in the livelihoods of local people and the provincial and district economy. Fishery production ranks top among all provinces in Viet Nam. Agriculture is another key economic activity, followed by tourism, which has increased strongly in recent years. The three main ethnic groups in the region are the Kinh, Kh’me and Hoa. The area is home to several famous historical monuments, including the temple of the hero Nguyen Trung Truc and Mac Cuu tomb.