Djebel Chambi

General information
Regional network:  ArabMAB Ecosystem-based network:    
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
43,723.00 ha
Total terresterial area
43,723.00 ha
Latitiude: 35.2005 - Longitude: 8.67391
Ecological Characteristics
There are no permanent rivers or streams in the park. Main habitats include mountainous areas with holm oak, Stipa spp. and Cotoneaster nummularia, pine forests (Pinus halepensis) with holm oak, juniper and Rosmarinus officinalis, steppe communities with Stipa tenacissima and agroecosystems with cereals. The area is one of the last refuges for the gazelle Gazella cuvieri.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
About 8,000 people live in the biosphere reserve (1999). They live from stock raising, extensive cereal agriculture, beekeeping and tree plantations. Especially in low elevated areas, habitats are threatened by overgrazing and fuel wood collection by locals. An eco-museum has been established for the environmental education of both tourists and locals.