Knowing our Changing Climate in Africa

Semi-arid areas such as those occupied by pastoral peoples across sub-Saharan Africa are already subject to variable and unpredictable weather/climate, a condition that will be exacerbated due to climate change. Capacities of national authorities to monitor and predict extreme climatic events, to convey this information to remote areas and to engage in a meaningful dialogue with rural populations can be improved when all relevant knowledge, including Indigenous knowledge, is made available.

Supported by Sweden and the Japanese Funds-in-Trust, the UNESCO project on Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change in Africa aims to:

  • Empower and build the capacity of pastoralists to engage in science-policy dialogue.
  • Trigger transdisciplinary research that bridges Indigenous and scientific knowledge on climate change to reinforce community resilience.
A range of outputs were produced, including conference proceedings, reports, policy briefs, and a detailed case study by the Association des femmes peules autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT) on their experience of research, transdisciplinary cooperation and policy advocacy.
Climate change and Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge in the Sahel: a case study on the Mbororo
Ibrahim, Hindou Oumarou
Knowing our Climate Changing in Africa
knowing our changing climate in Africa
Report of the UNESCO Expert Meeting on Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
UNESCO Office Nairobi and Regional Bureau for Science in Africa
Expert Meeting on Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change in Africa
Knowing our Changing Climate in Africa
November 2018

Climate Policy Brief 1

Indigenous and local knowledge and climate change
November 2018

Climate Policy Brief 2

Indigenous and local knowledge in adaptation policies

Climate Policy Brief 3

Indigenous and local knowledge, biodiversity and climate change
November 2018

Climate Policy Brief 4


The project was based on a methodological process involving six years of research into Indigenous weather and climate knowledge, conducted by Indigenous researchers and communities in Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. This research involved engaging with various knowledge holders in pastoralist communities to gain an understanding of how they interpret weather phenomena and how they make decisions about transhumance and livestock rearing in light of the indicators available to them.

Exchanges between pastoralists and scientific experts took place, with research results being presented at international conferences, regional forecasting exercises and dialogues with IPCC authors and World Meteorological Organisation experts. Furthermore, the results were shared with government decision-makers and recognised as contributing to the UNFCCC Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform's rolling work plan.

To facilitate knowledge exchange between Indigenous and scientific disciplines, UNESCO collaborated with the World Meteorological Organisation and the Global Framework for Climate Services to create an interface platform knowledge systems exchanges on weather and climate.

A complementary short term initiative was launched by the Living Heritage Entity of the UNESCO Culture Sector in 2021, covering a wide range of communities and knowledge holders, in relation to their intangible cultural heritage and practices.

Key findings


Pastoralists use thousands of indicators to predict weather & climate shifts.

Community research empowers people,

makes tacit knowledge explicit, and changes appreciation by all, including decision-makers.

Climate change impacts gender dynamics

The project aided dialogue within communities on positive gender navigation under changing dynamics.

Pastoralists can teach scientists:

pastoralists have detailed knowledge of weather, climate change and micro-climates.

Knowledge and its holders must be protected

when researchers publish/co-publish: protecting knowledge, attending to collective Indigenous Peoples rights.

Opportunities for education

Indigenous knowledge systems are complex, yet none are informing curriculum development.

Participating countries and communities
A photo of African people cheering

Burkina Faso, Peulh

The project focuses on the Peulh/Fulani pastoralists of Seno Province in the Burkina Faso's Sahel region, the driest region of the country. Sahelian agro-pastoralists communities, practice transhumance, moving people and animals in search of water and pasture. Fulani read the stars to inform both their farming and pastoralist endeavors. The stars help determine the beginning of the crop season. Years of drought have become more frequent and more severe leading to heavy animal losses, the disappearance of pastures and the rapid depletion of retained water. The increasingly late onset of the rainy season and the prolonged ‘lean season’ affect the animals and therefore the pastoralists. The project aims to strengthen capacity of communities in their dialogue with national weather services, at the same time, it will help improve dialogues between the pastoralists and farming communities, and it will look at technologies such as community radio as a means to share and disseminate forecasts.

The project proponents are traditional leaders of their Peulh community.  The main partner has over fifteen years’ experience bringing his community together with climate scientists and the National Weather Service, including via the West African Seasonal Forecast (PRESAO) initiative.

traditional house in a village of northern Burkina Faso

Chad, Peulh Mbororo

The project was conducted in Chad with the M’bororo, specifically a subgroup called ‘Mbimbé Woïla' one of the few pastoralist communities that are fully nomadic.

The M’bororo people are famous for herding red longhorn cattle and for their practice seasonal movement of people with their stocks. They developed a large array of traditional practices and weather forecasting based on their interactions in their living environment. During the dry season, the group can be found near Lake Chad and may travel across the borders of Chad-Cameroon-Nigeria if the season is bad. Their movement over large distances provide an opportunity for understanding how their decision-making is influenced by different factors, including availability and quality of pasture. Seasonal calendar and the observation of the stars, for instance, are commonly used to predict rainfall trends and seasonal changes. By bringing this knowledge to the fore, decision-makers and the community can work together to understand how to increase local-level resilience.

The project proponents are M’bororo women working with their communities and who have also prior experience working with their national meteorological service and relevant ministries.

women from Mbororo tribe, Cameroon

Ethiopia, Afar

The study will be conducted in Ab'ala district in the Zone two of Afar regional state in Ethiopia, among the Afar, the second largest pastoral community in Ethiopia. Spatial and temporal climate variability is a characteristic feature of the Afar landscape. Climate and its variability is very important in Afar pastoralists' livelihoods that traditionally the Afar have meticulous seven season calendar identifying exact dates and localities of rainy periods. While these traditional weather calendars and systems, involving climate foretellers, have been very important in guiding the pastoral livestock production system in Afar, increased climate variability and recurrence of drought have made the Afar to develop variants of these systems and seek support from other sources such as the formal climate information system. However, since most Afar households have no access to updated formal weather information and many cannot effectively interpret it, the traditional systems are still important.

This project will document and appraise a locally pertinent knowledge system, and by doing so, will help in its integration with formal climate knowledge system for the development of a locally relevant climate information and adaptation policy. The researcher is an assistant Professor at Mekelle University in Ethiopia and has over a decade of experience working with Afar pastoralists.

pastoralist Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

Uganda, Bahima

Bahima pastoralists are Bantu speaking ethnic group which depend on livestock production mainly the Ankole long horn cows. Similar to other pastoralist groups in Africa, the Bahima are a strictly patriarchal society. Men are the sole owners and inheritors of household assets including cattle. Due to increased population pressure and pastoral land dispossession for the purpose of private ranching and other private investments, there is a great deal of rangeland degradation and deforestation in the Bahima land. The project seeks to understand the knowledge of herders in relation to their cattle, in particular the Indigenous Ankole breed.

The project proponent is a Program Officer with the Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA), an international NGO led and inspired by Africans, committed to addressing issues of pastoralist concerns from a regional perspective. 

pastoralist in Uganda

Uganda, Karamoja

Karamoja is an arid/semi-arid region -- 28,000 sq km in area, located in Uganda's north-east.Transhumant pastoralism is practiced in Karamoja, with men and livestock moving across the landscape in search of pasture and water during the dry seasons.

In recent years, the Karamojong community has become increasingly exposed to a variety of natural and man-made disasters, including floods and drought. Due to the combined effect of drought, flooding, conflicts and change in land use and land administration types, the traditional pastoral life of the Kamarajong is changing.

The project will work among the Karamoja in Teso sub-region to document early warning mechanisms of weather forecasting. The project holder is Karamojong and the Lobby and Advocacy manager of the Climate Change Adaptation programme of the Disaster Risk Reduction Platform for Teso.

girls in Uganda

Tanzania, Maasai

The initiative will be conducted among Maasai pastoralists of Terrat village, Simanjiro district, northern Tanzania. Their traditional system of livestock keeping includes highly flexible and sustainable mobility under season pastures.

Despite the decline of mobility over time, Maasai pastoralists still practice a communal life having permanent and temporary residences with extended families living together. Families daily and assiduously communicate information about the local meteorology, fodder availability and tribal politics. In doing so the project will connect between community elders who hold rich, undocumented knowledge on weather patterns and on how to cope with impacts of climate change with members of the community who work towards policy formulation and lack comprehensively described and well documented evidence to support their arguments about the contribution of traditional knowledge and practices in climate change adaptation.

The project proponents work with Maasai in northern Tanzania to document their knowledge and concerns on climate change. Their organization, the Association for Law and Advocacy for Pastoralists (ALAPA) is focused primarily on using research and publications to lobby and advocate for pro-pastoralists legal and policy frameworks.

Maasai men taking their cows to the rive for a drink, Tanzania