Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS)
LINKS was founded as an intersectoral initiative in 2002, and has proceeded to inform and facilitate exchanges between the holders of Indigenous and local knowledge with science policy and environmental policy processes, international norms and standards, and the emergence of transdisciplinary knowledge cooperation.
Here you will find information on our main areas of policy intervention, our technical cooperation with IPBES and BES-Net, and the geographic regions where we are engaged.
LINKS is responsible for coordination on the .
Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems programme: 20 years of collaboration
This video showcases UNESCO's commitment to transdisciplinary approaches for recognizing and safeguarding the knowledge of indigenous and local communities. It emphasizes the need for collaboration across various disciplines, to ensure that this knowledge is appropriately valued and taken into account into sustainable practices and policies.
This videos celebrates the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems programme.