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Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

What are LDCs?

Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are low-income countries which are highly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks and have low levels of human assets.

There are currently 46 LDCs as classified by the United Nations, 33 of which are in Africa. Advancements in education and science, as well as the safeguarding of cultural heritage, can play a critical role in building more resilient, sustainable and inclusive economies. This is where UNESCO's expertise comes into play.

Two African girls hand clapping game

We recognize that, notwithstanding many challenges and constraints, the least developed countries represent an enormous human, cultural and natural resource potential for sustainable economic growth, welfare, peace, prosperity, and food and energy security. Millions of young people and a growing working-age population could become development leaders and the drivers of transformative change.

Preamble to the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs 2022-2031

UNESCO in the LDCs

The endeavours of UNESCO and its partners to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the LDCs.

Woman drawing drinking water from a well in the Lake Chad Bassin

UNESCO's designations in the LDCs


Projects in LDCs

Map of LDCs
Map of LDCs 2022
Managing low-cost digitization projects in least developed countries and small island developing states: a manual
UNESCO building human capacities in least developed countries to promote poverty eradication and sustainable development
Stark, Clare
Price, Katherine
Distelkamp, Anna
UNESCO. Director-General, 2009-2017 (Bokova, I.G.)
UNESCO: mainstreaming the needs of LDCs
Education for All and Sustainable Development in LDCs
United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
The Disinherited: the plight of the least developed countries
Oct. 1981