Global Learning House
The Global Education Coalition launched the Global Learning House to mobilize international solidarity and innovative solutions to support learning, especially for the most disadvantaged learners. Originally, it aimed to provide supplemental educational resources and instruction, at no cost, for remedial programmes to mitigate COVID-19 induced learning losses.
Enabling learners to access cost-free supplemental instruction, anywhere, any time
This aim will be achieved by sharing relevant resources, technologies and networks for distance and hybrid learning while deploying customized solutions for supplementary, cost-free and level appropriate learning programmes.
Initially, we will focus on delivering supplemental learning by mobilizing educators and volunteers while dispensing educational resources. Chief among these will be a repository of open license learning objects aimed at mitigating learning gaps in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) subject areas.
In the longer run, the Global Learning House will become a more dynamic, integrated and interactive platform. It will enable learners and the global teaching community to seek and impart targeted instruction while providing them with a platform to freely develop, adapt, publish and share content.
Getting involved
Gain access to supplemental cost-free educational resources and targeted instruction to make up lost learning.
Offer distance learning solutions free of charge. Provide free access to educational resources with limited or no restrictions
Provide free tutorials or instruction in a particular subject area or at a level
More information
For more information about the Global Learning House initiative or how to get involved, please contact UNESCO's Section of Education Policy.