SHS Commission - Agenda

Last update:20 April 2023

Wednesday 17 November 2021

10 amSHS CommissionXI
Item 5.9 International Day of Conscience
Item 5.25 World Futures Day
Item 5.24 The Khiva Process: Promoting International Collaboration in Central Asia
Item 5.7 Slave Route Project
Item 5.22 Draft Operational Strategy for Priority Africa (2022-2029)

Tuesday 16 November 2021 - Fourth Meeting

3 pmSHS CommissionII
Fourth Meeting
Item 5.22 Draft operational strategy for Priority Africa (2022-2029)
Item 5.9 International Day of Conscience
Item 5.25 World Futures Day

Tuesday 16 November 2021 - Third Meeting

10 amSHS CommissionII
Third Meeting
Item 8.2 Draft Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Monday 15 November 2021 - Second Meeting

3 pm SHS XI
9.4 Consolidated Report on the implementation of the 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers

Monday 15 November 2021 - First Meeting

10 am SHS XI
Election of the Bureau of the Commission
Organization of the work of the Commission and Adoption of the timetable of work of the Commission
Item 4.1 Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget 2022-2025(41C/5)
Part II. A Major Programme III – Social and Human Sciences