Education in Afghanistan
UNESCO is the only UN agency with a mandate to work across all levels of education, including formal and non-formal education. UNESCO was entrusted to lead and coordinate the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 - Education 2030 Agenda, leveraging its national, regional, and global convening power to provide high-level direction as much as technical advice and support at all levels.
UNESCO Kabul Office is dedicated to improving education in Afghanistan. UNESCO offers community-based literacy courses and pre-vocational skills development programmes for youth and adults (the majority are girls and women) and advocates inclusive education for all.
UNESCO leads education sector coordination efforts, fostering collaboration among stakeholders to shape the future of education in Afghanistan. UNESCO collects and analyzes education data, focusing on tertiary education, teacher competencies, and student learning outcomes and providing alternative education opportunities for students. UNESCO supports quality of education through teacher professional development.
Our work is funded by donors and projects including Sida-funded Better Education Systems for Afghanistan's Future (BESAF), Japan-funded Accelerated Non-formal Education Programme (ANEP), Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan (STFA), Capacity Development for Education (CapEd), Japan Supplementary Grant, and others.
UNESCO focuses on five education priority intervention pillars in Afghanistan:
- Community-based Literacy and Complementary Learning Possibilities
- Education sector-wide coordination
- Teacher Support and Development