Communication and Information

The Communication and Information Programme of UNESCO Cairo Office is committed to the promotion of the concept of knowledge societies rather than that of a global information society.  It is our belief that enhancing information flows alone is not sufficient to grasp the opportunities for development offered by knowledge.  

The overwhelming flood of emerging technologies in the areas of information and communication should be put to effective use in developing countries.  Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) must be viewed as a "tools" used alongside the major application to provide new dimension or produce better performance.


Strategic Objectives

  • Fostering digital opportunities and social inclusion enhancing the use of ICTs for capacity-building, empowerment, governance and social participation;
  • Strengthening capacities for scientific research, information sharing and cultural creations, performances and exchanges in knowledge societies;
  • Enhancing learning opportunities through access to diversified contents and delivery systems.


Mr. Paul Hector

Adviser for Communication and Information sends e-mail)

Mr. Omar Abdel-Gawad

Programme Associate sends e-mail)