Survey of Teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP) Project
UNESCO launched the Survey of Teachers in Pre-primary Education (STEPP) project in May 2015. It generates evidence through an international pre-primary education personnel survey for use in low- and middle-income countries. Taking part are the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Indonesia, Namibia, the Philippines, Togo and Viet Nam.
STEPP collects data and information from teachers and directors of ECCE centres on working conditions and job satisfaction, pedagogical and professional practices, training and professional development of ECCE personnel and characteristics of ECCE personnel and settings in which they work. This information helps in the development of effective policies and strategies improving the quality of ECCE and professionalization of the personnel. It also gives a voice to teachers and directors of ECCE centres.
STEPP is a UNESCO-OECD Joint Initiative, developed in alignment with , an international ECCE personnel survey targeting OECD countries. It benefits from the cooperation and advice of individual experts as well as Education International, ILO, OMEP, Teacher Taskforce, UIS, UNESCO-IICBA and UNICEF. Generous support has been provided to the project implementation by of the