Let's Bet on Community Changes: Strengthening Early Childhood Education through Collaborative Communities of Professional Learning in Peru
Executive Summary
The ´Let´s Bet on Community Changes´ strategy in Peru aims to establish or reactivate the Pedagogical Technical Teams of ECE in each UGEL (educational management unit) at the national level. These teams are composed voluntarily of professionals working in the ECE field who are willing and committed to sharing knowledge and experiences through collaborative work in professional learning communities. Their goal is to positively impact the practices of their peers and play a key role in strengthening competencies for the benefit of children´s learning.
Opportunities for improvement: Establish and/or reactivate the Pedagogical Technical Teams of Early Childhood Education (ETP-EI) through a resolution at the UGEL level; Strengthen the pedagogical and personal competencies of professionals in ETP-EI to support the pedagogical management of UGEL specialists; Promote the management of learning communities to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences for the improvement or transformation of pedagogical practices in early childhood education.
The Directorate of ECE is responsible for implementation. The Directorate provides technical assistance and pedagogical support in person in 8 targeted regions and virtually in other regions. The implementation process in 2022 includes the following stages: 1. Reactivating and forming pedagogical technical teams; 2. Developing a work plan for pedagogical strengthening3. Implementing the work plan through Interlearning Groups
Stakeholders and partners involved
The direct beneficiaries are 220 Pedagogical Technical Teams of Early Childhood Education, established in each UGEL nationwide. The indirect beneficiaries are the Educational Services of Cycle I and Cycle II. This strategy is led by regional and local educational authorities. Direct beneficiaries: 220 Pedagogical Technical Teams of Early Childhood Education in each UGEL nationwide. Indirect beneficiaries: Educational Services of Cycle I and Cycle II* Strategy leadership: Regional and local educational authorities
Of the total UGELs nationwide, 84% have successfully formed the Pedagogical Technical Teams of Early Childhood Education (ETP-EI). It is expected that through these ETP-EI, the pedagogical practices of teachers will be strengthened to serve as references for other educational services. Percentage of UGELs with established ETP-EI: 84%. Purpose of ETP-EI: Strengthening pedagogical practices of teachers. Goal: Become references for other educational services

(In progress)
To close the gaps between the curriculum framework and pedagogical practices, it is also necessary to promote the autonomy of the UGEL for the sustainability of the strategy.
Objective: Bridge the gaps between the curriculum framework and pedagogical practices
Importance: Promote autonomy of the UGEL
Goal: Ensure sustainability of the strategy
Educational Authorities Play a Vital Role in Supporting Implementation
ETP-EI, led by specialists in ECE, are crucial for transforming pedagogical practices and improving learning outcomes for children under six years old. ETP-EI serve as role models, inspiring other teachers in ECE with their leadership and dedication. Empowered teachers can influence and transform the practices of their peers. The involvement of educational authorities is vital to create conditions that support the implementation of the strategy and the autonomy of ECE specialists in making informed decisions for improvement.